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Quest increases landing weight for the Kodiak
February 20,2014 Thursday  General Aviation News Staff   

Quest Aircraft Co. has received FAA approval for an increase of 565 pounds to the maximum landing weight of the Kodiak. With the increase, the landing weight is now 7,255 pounds, same as the aircraft’s maximum takeoff weight.

"We continue to enhance the performance parameters of the Kodiak as well as working on modifications and upgrades that customers have told us they are most interested in," said Sam Hill, president and CEO. "The increase in the landing weight allows us to maximize the gross weight of the airplane and gives operators increased flexibility, especially in terms of carrying extra fuel. This will be a significant benefit for those flying to remote regions, as well as allowing owners to take advantage of the better fuel prices that are often available at their home airports or other locations."

The increased landing weight upgrade is now standard on all new Kodiaks coming off the production line. It is available as an option for Kodiaks already in the field, and no structural upgrade is required.
