International Corporate Jet & Helicopter Finance
February 12,2014 Wednesday
Corporate Jet Investor
More than 450 business aviation professionals flocked to London for Corporate Jet Investor’s fourth annual conference.
Delegates listen to a panel of business jet manufacturers at International Corporate Jet & Helicopter Finance 2014.
Over 450 people attended Corporate Jet Investor’s fourth annual International Corporate Jet & Helicopter Finance conference at the Royal Garden Hotel in London.
Held between 4-6 February, International Corporate Jet & Helicopter Finance 2014 ran in conjunction with the annual corporate Jet Investor Awards.
The global business jet market was covered extensively over the first two days, with speakers from manufacturers such as Beechcraft, Bombardier, Cessna and Gulfstream, as well as the likes of Jetcraft, Wheels Up and VistaJet.
On the final day, the agenda focused solely on the helicopter market, with delegates hearing from AgustaWestland, Lease Corporational International, Waypoint Leasing and many more.